Feelings, Thinking Pattern, and Past Memory Survey

Thank you for visiting this study page. This study has been approved by the Ethics Committee at the School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK (ref - 18877).

Before deciding whether to participate, please read the following information. By ticking the box at the bottom of this page and clicking on ‘Continue’, you are consenting to participate in this survey.

About the Study

Study Title: Feelings, Thinking Pattern, and Past Memory Survey

Researchers: Simran Dhanjal (MSc Student), Tahira Aslam (MSc Student), Ayse Attaroglu (MSc Student), and Dr Wing Yee Cheung (Research Fellow)

Ethics number: 18877

Please read this information carefully before deciding to take part in this research. If you are happy to participate you will be asked to sign a consent form.

What is the research about?

This is a social psychology research project looking at memory and wellbeing. This is a project conducted by the Centre for Research on Self and Identity at the University of Southampton. The study is part of a Master’s project and is supervised by Dr Wing Yee Cheung of the Academic Unit of Psychology at the University of Southampton.

Why have I been chosen?

The study is open to individuals aged over the age of 18.

What will happen to me if I take part?

Once you have finished reading the information sheet, you will be asked to sign a consent form. There will be two set of questionnaires about depression and your way of thinking. We will also ask you to recall a personal experience and answer some questions regarding wellbeing. This should take around 30 minutes. After this, the researchers will talk through the study, and you will have another chance to ask questions about the study.

Are there any benefits in my taking part?

You may benefit from participating in the study as at the end you will learn about our specific research aims, as well as having the opportunity to learn about what scientists currently know about this area. Additionally, your data will contribute to psychological science, and develop our understanding of the area.

Are there any risks involved?

There are no significant psychological risks involved with this study beyond what you may experience in everyday life. Some of the questions may ask you to think about personal or sensitive topics, and though we have tried to ensure that the study does not cause any distress, this may cause some individuals to experience temporary feelings of negative emotions. You may leave any questions or tasks blank that you would prefer not to answer.

Will my participation be confidential?

All data is treated as confidential, no personal or identifying information will be kept about you, or linked to your data.

What happens if I change my mind?

You have the right to withdraw from the study at any point during or after the study. There are no negative repercussions for either yourself or the researchers if you decide to withdraw.  If you choose to do so, your data will be destroyed and not used in any analysis.

What happens if something goes wrong?

In the unlikely case of concern or complaint, please contact the Chair of the Ethics Committee, Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ. 
Phone: (023) 8059 3856, email fhsh-rgo@soton.ac.uk

We have tried to ensure that they questions in this study do not cause any distress, however it is not uncommon to experience some anxieties or concerns when completing questionnaires about personal experiences and emotions. We have tried to provide support where available. If any issues arise from the completion of this study please contact one of the following resources;

Where can I get more information?

If you have any questions about the study you may ask them to the researchers now.

If you would like some more information regarding the study after participating, you can contact Simran Dhanjal (sd12g12@soton.ac.uk), Tahira Aslam (ta1g15@soton.ac.uk), Ayse Attaroglu (aa13n14@soton.ac.uk) or Wing Yee Cheung (W.Y.Cheung@soton.ac.uk).


I have read and understood the information about this study. In consenting, I understand that my legal rights are not affected. I also understand that data collected as part of this research will be kept confidential and that published results will maintain that confidentiality. I finally understand that if I have any questions about my rights as a participant in this research, or if I feel that I have been placed at risk, I may contact the chair of the Ethics Committee, Psychology, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Phone: 02380 593856, email: fshs-rso@soton.ac.uk

I certify that I am 18 years or older. I have read the above consent form and I give consent to participate in the above-described research.