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Attachment to God and adjustment to University

Combined Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form for Anonymous Online Surveys for Adult Participants


Study Title: I am who I am because God is who He is: The study of attachment to God and its interaction with adjustment to university. 

Researcher(s): Isoken Obamwonyi

University email:

Ethics/ERGO no: 71558

What is the research about? 

My name is Isoken Obamwonyi, and I am a BSc Criminology and Psychology student at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom. I am inviting you to participate in a study regarding attachment to God and the impact this has on your university experience. Attachment to God refers to the perceived emotional bond between God and a believer similar to the bond between a caregiver or other adult and child. There are many things that can impact one’s university experience for example, the friends you make, the societies you join and more commonly the course you study. This study would like to give deeper insight to one’s attachment to God or lack of attachment to God and this may impact their experience and adjustment to university.

This study was approved by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FREC) at the University of Southampton 


What will happen to me if I take part? 

This study involves completing an anonymous questionnaire which should take approximately 15 minutes of your time. If you are happy to complete this survey, you will need to tick (check) the box below to show your consent. As this survey is anonymous, the researcher will not be able to know whether you have participated, or what answers you provided. 


Why have I been asked to participate? 

You have been asked to take part because you are a university student and are over the age of 18. Any student can take part in this study, but if you identify as religious or more specifically Christian this may help you have a better understanding of the questions.

I am aiming to recruit around 100 participants for this study. 


What information will be collected? 

The questions in this survey ask for information in relation to your personal opinions, beliefs, experiences and attachments to God. Some socio-demographic questions will also be asked, including your age and gender.

Some of the survey questions contain textboxes where you will be asked to type in your own answers. Please note that in order for this survey to be anonymous, you should not include in your answers any information from which you, or other people, could be identified. 


What are the possible benefits of taking part? 

If you decide to take part in this study, you will not receive any direct benefits; however, your participation will contribute to knowledge in this area of research.


Are there any risks involved?

It is expected that taking part in this study will not cause you any psychological discomfort and/or distress,  however, should you feel uncomfortable you can leave the survey at any time or contact the following resources for support: the University of Southampton’s student support hub at or call on 02380599599, likewise you can visit the faith and reflection centre during term time in Building 6 on Highfield Campus. 


What will happen to the information collected?

All information collected for this study will be stored securely on a password protected computer and backed up on a secure server. In addition, all data will be pooled and only compiled into data summaries or summary reports. Only the researcher and their supervisor will have access to this information.

The information collected will be analyzed and written up as a part of the researcher’s dissertation.  

The University of Southampton conducts research to the highest standards of ethics and research integrity. In accordance with our Research Data Management Policy, data will be held for 10 years after the study has finished when it will be securely destroyed. 


What happens if there is a problem?

If you are unhappy about any aspect of this study and  would like to make a formal complaint, you can contact the Head of Research Integrity and Governance, University of Southampton, on the following contact details:, phone: + 44 2380 595058. 

Please quote the Ethics/ERGO number above. Please note that by making a complaint you might be no longer anonymous. 

More information on your rights as a study participant is available via this link:

Thank you for reading this information sheet and considering taking part in this research.